Online Quit Weed Resource
Learn How To Love Life Without Marijuana
Before we get into the details of this post, let me throw out there that there is nothing wrong with a responsible adult smoking some weed every once in a while.
The issue starts to creep up when you are smoking weed every day of the week, or multiple times a day. Even every other day is a habit is harmful to you and your health. If your weed use is constant (chronic), your ambition will eventually begin to slide, you will feel brain fog, and slowly but surely will become a moving force in your life.
There is a very high subset of individuals on this planet that are susceptible to what is called marijuana dependence. Have you ever heard the saying that “If you want to be creative or think over something, just smoke some weed!”. I am sure you have heard something like that in the past.
After all, weed seems to heighten your perception and make food taste better, music sounds better, and your smell is altered.
While this may be the case, after constant use for months, the opposite effect happens. Eventually you may even get to the point where you feel the need to smoke just to feel normal. In extreme cases, smoking is needed to not fall into a depression.
The cycle is vicious and turns and turns…
If you really want to gain control over your life and your marijuana habit, let’s get into it!
Marijuana Dependence – It’s A Real Thing!
The notion that Marijuana is not addictive is only true when it comes to how it affects your brain. You, along with millions of others have probably grabbed onto this phrase when you began smoking, but after how it has made you feel, you begin to question if this is the truth after all.
If you are looking for answers, keep in mind that:
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse, of the NIDA has shown in a study that almost 10% of recreational smokers develop a dependence on Marijuana. This number jumps up to almost 20% if you started using when you were still a teenager.
- If you look at the numbers, since weed is the most used drug on the face of the planet, that means that there is almost 3 million people just in the USA who have issues with marijuana dependence.
There are those out there that will argue that because these studies happened at colleges and research facilities that they are influenced by big government to try and get people away from smoking weed. With society trending towards full legalization, I do not believe this.
Even if this is a concern, keep in mind that:
- Over 1,500 people each day search online for keywords such as “how to quit smoking weed” and other variants.
- That equates to more than 45,000 people each month looking for the answer to marijuana dependence and finally breaking free from the viscous cycle we described above.
You can see from the numbers above that you are not the only person who is looking for the answers.
There is an answer to all of this and can solve your issues. Click right here to learn how.
What This “How To Quit Smoking Weed” Post Is All About
I want to be straight up with you and say that I am not a doctor, psychologist, or a trained addiction professional. I am none of these things. I have just seen friends who smoke too much weed and are looking for a way they can easily kick their weed habit once and for all.
There are many programs and approaches that you can use for quitting weed. That being said, I want to go over a program that has helped thousands of people learn how to quit weed successfully even after they have been smoking for years.
We all know that Marijuana is illegal in most of the states still. This post does not condone breaking any laws at all. Keep this in mind as you continue to read but also know that you can make a decision to vote your voice and tell your state that you believe that marijuana should be legal. After all, alcohol is legal!
Lets have a look at the options available to you so you can overcome marijuana dependence and get on with things.
Quit Cold Turkey Through Will Power
Let me guess, you ended up on this post of mine because you have tried the will power way, but it did not work at all. In fact, you most likely gave in and used again right? There are a few reasons why you failed to stop smoking weed successfully. These are that you have experienced psychological withdrawal symptoms as well as some physical ones.
When you smoke, you uptake THC which is what makes you feel “high”. While it makes you feel good during and after, the THC is actually stored inside your body deep in the fat cells. Days of weeks later, there is THC still in your body. It is slowly releasing into your bloodstream. What this correlates to is that while you were trying to quit, you were still getting small doses of the drug even though you felt no affect.
Often times this can be described as feeling like there is something missing from your life. You want to feel normal again, and you get that feeling after smoking up again. This is the most common form of symptoms but there are some people who have other issues. These people will sometimes have very intense cravings because they are not enjoying the same activities without getting high again. As you can see from the examples above, quitting cold turkey is a hard think to do and often does not work because the THC is working against you in multiples ways!
Will power will always play a crucial role in quitting but what you are missing is a real down to earth strategy to take these withdrawal symptoms under control.
Go To Rehab
Rehab is always a choice and some people may laugh at it. The truth is that rehab can work but it comes with a high price tag and a long time commitment. If you cannot put your life on hold and spend a few weeks in rehab, it will most likely not work for you. After all, rehab should be options if you have an addiction to something much more harmful such as alcohol or hard drugs that could threaten your life if you do not stop.
Weed dependence IS a real problem though. That being said, rehab is typically not necessary. Marijuana does not threaten your life like hard drugs. Even chronic marijuana users will be able to get through their life even if they are not running all cylinders because of the impairing affects of dope. If everything else fails, you may still going to Rehab. Just make sure you can foot the bill and have the time to do so.
Counseling For Addiction
Psychiatrists or Psychologists are officially licensed to provide Psychotherapy. This is often called talk therapy and is a great way to work out your dependence on a substance and deal with your addiction. They are often good to talk to just to figure out your problems in other parts of your life because sometimes your dependence on a substance is derived from other underlying issues somewhere in your life.
While it may be effective, there is a lot of time needed and also a big chunk of money to go to addiction counseling. If you go this direction you may find that some counselors have different opinions on if marijuana dependence is a thing of not (it is!). When looking to talk to a therapist, judge their thoughts on this before you schedule an appointment.
Seek Medical Treatment
Asking for a physician to help you with your marijuana dependence should be an easy way to get assistance. While it should be easy, this is often times not the case. Marijuana dependence is not always thought of the same way among medical professionals.
For this reason, there are some doctors out there that will offer a solution by prescribing you something. But at the same time, there is not anything out there that will specifically help with marijuana dependence. What is prescribed may help with other issues and not specifically the one you are here reading about. What a doctor may do is not prescribe anything but give you a recommendation to a great counselor like we went over above.
If you run into a doctor who does not take what you are saying seriously or is judging you, find a new doctor!
Marijuana Meetings (12 Step Program)
Just like AA there is an alternative for people who having an issue with smoking. This is called Marijuana Anonymous and has shown that for some people,it can have a great effect. There are 12 steps to the program, and unlike AA, they actually have a forum online where you can have your 12 programs and gain support.
While Marijuana Anonymous can be beneficial, the issue is that with their 12 step approach they are often times only seeing success rates of around 5%. This is an abysmal number and shows that a lot of people are still left with a solution that is not effective in the slightest.
If you have gone through this list and are not interested in any of them since you tried the will power approach and it did not work, there is one more option for you! Here it is:
Online Self Guided Solution To Quitting Weed For Good
This is the option that people I know have used to successfully quit weed after their chronic weed smoking has been messing with their lives for years.
There is a solution to finally quit weed for good.
- Go at your own speed
- Quit from right there at home
- Very Inexpensive
- No rehab or meetings needed!
- Away from other people
There are a couple of programs out there that are all similar. That being said, I decided to include it in this post because this particular program has done the following:
- Sold over 25,000 copies
- 60 day money back guarantee (why not try it? If it doesn’t work get your money back)
- Only positive reviews!
There is a 60 day money back guarantee on this product. This means that if you are not successful in your endeavors, simply return it and get your money back. It sounds like a great deal right? Well, it is. But as a smoker, you may be sitting there and thinking to yourself that you could buy some weed with that money and are not sure. The great news for you is that it costs less than some really good ganja.
You need to make a choice. Do you buy yourself some more weed, or do you finally make an investment in yourself and try and get ahead? This is a personal choice that no one else can influence. I know that if you decided to invest in yourself, you will not have regrets and your life will certainly get back on track if you can make the leap to finally quit.
Are you ready to think clearly and be full of more energy than you ever had before? Move forward with your life and go out there and get what you have always wanted.
You can click the button below to check out the product for yourself if you are ready to make a change.
Quick Note On Quitting Smoking Weed
All of the options that we went over above are all very valid solutions to this issue. If you feel that those are a better option for you, then by all means please take them.
The issue is that a lot of people are in a rock between a hard place. They want to go through this privately and without prying eyes seeing that they are having a problem. For this reason, I decided to include a self guided programmed like the Quit Marijuana Complete guide that you will see above.
Every option can work, but also has its cons as well. The best thing for you to do is something at all. You want to reclaim your life and get it under control. You want this, so just pick an option and start today! Anything you try is a step towards success, remember that.
If you have made it this far in this long post, then you probably have what it takes to get what you want.
To your success!
I’m so excited to have a better life without weed! I have been struggling with stopping smoking for over 2 years now and finally decided that I need to make a change.