Skating in the winter is a great way to stay fit, as well as a pretty accessible hobby for most of us. If the Christmas holidays left you feeling like you’d overindulged in too many sweets and drinks, skating can be a great way to work off that weight before the New Year arrives. However, if you’re anything like most people, sometimes a pair of those hideous rental skates ruins … [Read more...]
Best Figure Skates For All Levels
Winter can be an incredibly exciting time, full of holiday fun, travel, and family. Unfortunately, winter can also mean horrible weather that makes even getting out of your driveway an odyssey in and of itself. Unless you live in a warmer climate, chances are you’ve had to deal with ice and snow, and while they’re both lovely at first, most people get pretty tired of winter … [Read more...]
Cheap Snowboard Boots For Hitting The Slopes
If you’re anything like most people, you probably have a slightly harder time staying fit in the winter. Even if you have a gym membership with tons of perks and incentives to go, leaving the house in the cold, wet, snowy weather isn’t appealing to most people, nor is the idea of having to journey all the way back home once you’ve completed your workout. Plus, telling yourself … [Read more...]
Best Ice Skates For Beginners – Our Top Choices
If you’re anything like most people, a trip to the ice rink is usually marred by those horrible rental skates. Rental ice skates usually make it impossible to skate well, and that’s if you already know how to skate; if you don’t, you’ll be in for a world of trouble. Crappy rental skates are just one of the many reasons why you should invest in your own pair of ice skates, even … [Read more...]
What’s The Best Basketball For Indoor/Outdoor Use?
It does not matter if you are an indoor player, or love to play outdoors. The fact is that you love to get your exercise in by shooting some hoops and you want the best experience possible, meaning you need to get the best ball that you can. There are so many different models and brands being sold that brand themselves as the best indoor or outdoor basketball, and even more … [Read more...]