You love fitness and working out and you probably love reading about fitness, health, and proper eating. Does this sound like you? You probably have adapted your lifestyle to revolve around fitness so much that some people may have told you that you should start a blog and you have come to the realization that you love fitness and love consuming information, so your best bet … [Read more...]
Eating One Meal A Day: Insane Fat Loss Or True Insanity?
Many times I have heard people say how crazy it sounds to be eating one meal a day. It may sound crazy to them, because they have no experienced how truely amazing it is! It is extremely hard to get fat eating one meal a day. There is very little chance of you losing your muscle gains either. That being said, you can pig out each and every single night while still dropping … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Homemade Cellulite Massage Oil and Recipes
There is very little doubt that society is quickly becoming much more health conscious than ever before! This has resulted in a large number of new home remedies and products being revealed. Although some of these are ineffective, others are entirely effective and actually capable of helping to make an individual healthier! One of the worst problems a woman can face is … [Read more...]
Can Consuming Gelatin Reduce Cellulite?
There is absolutely no doubt that cellulite can be tremendously annoying and can lead to a decreased self-esteem. It can dramatically lower your confidence, which can lead to depression and other problems. With this in mind, you will want to begin taking actions to rectify the cellulite immediately. There are several different potential concoctions, which are supposedly able to … [Read more...]
How To Use Coconut Oil To Reduce Cellulite
Throughout the years, scientists and do it yourselfers have come up with some ingenious home remedies, which are capable of improving many different ailments. There are definitely a variety of different homemade concoctions that can be used to improve your overall health. However, it is coconut oil that has been proven to be most effective for targeting and reducing cellulite. … [Read more...]