Overall, the cross trainer is one of the few machines that can give you an effective aerobic workout without impacting your joints and muscles. A variety of other machines exist that claim that they are able to assist you in those areas, but the truth is that those machines very rarely give you a good aerobic workout like the elliptical will, so choosing an elliptical is one of the best decisions you can make for improving your aerobic workout without running outside or using a treadmill.
It is important that you take a lot of different aspects of the elliptical into consideration before you make you purchase. Here are several things you should consider as you search for the cross trainer that is right for you.
Considerations in an Elliptical
- Comfort
The most important part of using an elliptical is the comfort level you have on it. Test every single elliptical out before purchasing it, as it is not necessarily the quality of the elliptical that is important but how comfortable it is for you. If money is no object, but you are uncomfortable in the $3000 elliptical that has the best reviews and comfortable in the $300 elliptical with the worst reviews, you should probably still go with the $300 one because if you are not comfortable, you are not likely to use it.
- Size
You have to consider the space that you have available in your home. These are big machines, and if you do not have space for these big machines, there is no real point in purchasing the cross trainer. Rear, Center and Front drive cross trainers each have their own benefits and varying sizes, so check out all of them before making the decision.
- Features/Presets
Elliptical machines have a ton of different settings, features and options that each need to be considered before you choose one for yourself. The more presets it has the more likely it is to be expensive, but these presets can be a great way to target specific areas and give yourself the workout you are looking for.
- Ergonomic Design
The more ergonomic the design of the machine, the easier it will be for you to continue your workout for longer. Cheaper, less well designed machines can make your knees ache and cause your feet to become number over time, while the better machines are able to keep your back straight and give you more beneficial exercise.
- Price
Finally, price is your final consideration. It is obviously very important that you find a design you are comfortable with, but a lot of additional work goes into creating some of the more expensive cross trainer models, and if you can afford to splurge a little you may find a considerable amount of extra benefit in your exercise routine. Price is not the main indicator of a good elliptical, but if you can afford one that is a little bit more expensive, you will likely be very pleased with the exercise that you get from it.
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