When you look around the internet you will see sites claiming that a particular set of kettlebells is hands down the best you can buy. They will make incredible claims that if you just buy this one product, you can be in the best shape of your life.
The truth of the matter is that every single person promoting a product or manufacturing it, will say that their product is the highest quality.
Click here to see all the Best Adjustable Kettlebells Available
Product | Kettle Block | MiR Pro | Adjustable Fitness |
Image | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Weight Range | 8-40 Pounds | 10-83 Pounds | 10-40 Pounds |
Handle | 1 or 2 Hand | 1 or 2 Hand | 1 or 2 Hand |
Warranty | Lifetime | Lifetime | Lifetime |
Company | Power Block | MiR | Adjustable Fitness |
Why Trust The Products Above?
Should you believe me just because these products have great reviews or because other people say that they are the best? Should you buy them based on that or are there other things you should take into consideration?
When I first started training, I realized that a lot of what I was reading online was just not true and most of the information was not helpful at all. The truth is, the right kettlebell for you may not be the right choice for me, or anyone else. You have to be able to do your own research and find the right adjustable kettlebell to match your fitness goals.
After a lot of research and testing, after reading customer reviews and feedback from people that owned them, come across three of my favorite kettlebells that I think are worth every penny.
- Powerblock Kettle Block
- Adjustable Fitness Adjustable Kettlebell
- MiR Pro Adjustable
Top 3 Choices For The Best Adjustable Kettlebell
Like any other choice you must make, you will need to take a look at some of the pros and cons of each product you are interested in. Sometimes you will find a product that fits most of your criteria but you may not always get all the features you are looking for. That being said, most of the adjustable kettlebells available come with all the attributes that will help you get in an effective workout.
I have picked out a few products below which represent my favorite kettlebells along with the price, ratings, and some of the reviews from Amazon.
Adjustable KettleBell Reviews
I will go into greater detail about each of the three adjustable kettlebells below. Read all of them, and chose the one that you think will help you reach your strength training goals.
PowerBlock Kettle Block
Out of all three products, this one I think has the price that is most reasonable. It does not matter what kind of experience you have with lifting, because after reading all the reviews, it is clear that this product can be used by professionals or even complete fitness newbies. The Kettle Block is perfect for those people that have never trained their muscles before. What makes it so great for this purpose? Well the first thing has to be that you can go up in smaller increments of weight letting your muscles adjust to the load under tension. Other kettlebell sets will increase in bigger increments, making it much harder to progress. This is the main reason that I chose this product as the best value out of the others I have taken a look at.
Anyone who is training with weights will know that you do not want to start with more weight than you can lift. You want to be able to make sure you do not get an injury but you also want to be able to do the movements with correct form. If you are not using correct form in your weight training movements, you will not be making progress at all and it can mess up your muscles. Chosing to take it slow, get the movements down, and increase the weight gradually will ensure you get the best workout possible.
Advantages of the Kettle Block
- Easier to use because of weight increments remaining small
- Change the weight of the product in as little as 15 seconds.
- Depending on what unit you chose, you can go from 5-20 pounds, or 8-40 pounds. This big range will give you a lot of room for improvement.
One thing that should be said is that some kettlebells are large. If you do not go with an adjustable, you will need to purchase each weight individually. If you go with this unit, it is one size, and will not take up much room in your workout area.
Check out the PowerBlock at Amazon.com
Mir Pro
The second product I decided to include on this list is the Mir Adjustable kettlebell. Out of all the products listed, this is going to be the one that has the maximum weight. This seems to be a great option because it is incredibly study, has a very large handle that is perfect for working out with a single hand, or both hands, and has a speed pin to be able to adjust your weights at lighting speed. Here are some of the other desirable traits of the Mir:
- Large weight increments. This set goes from a minimum of 10 pounds all the way up to 83 pounds. If you want to get an intense workout and not buy any more equipment, this one will stay with you for years.
- Large grip for one or two handed workouts.
- Speed pin lock to adjust the weights in under a few seconds each. This unit is VERY user friendly.
- A lot of weight that takes up very little space.
The real downside to this product is that while it does have a big range of weight, the increment that it goes up at is 11 pounds. This can be a bit hard for some people. If you get used to one weight, and want to increase to the next hardest setting, at times, this could be too much weight for the individual. This can force people to stay at a lower weight for longer than they would like to. That being said, you can change the weight quickly with the speed pin, and I really like how stable this unit is. It is a bit wider than other units and you can be sure that it will not fall over or be clumsy when you want to switch out how much you are lifting.
Check out the Mir at Amazon.com
Adjustable Fitness Kettlebell
For our final review, I want to go over some of the aspects that makes the Adjustable Fitness model one of my favorite choices out of all the ones I have taken a look at. This is one of the cheaper options but what you get is a set of 7 kettlebells in a single product. Some of the other properties you should be aware of include the following:
- weight increase from 10 to 40 pounds
- Awesome non slip handle
- Competition Design
- Wide grip for two hand exercises
If you are on a budget, i would say that this is the kettlebell to purchase and is probably the best option for you. It could be a disadvantage that it only goes up to 40 pounds if you have been in the fitness game for a while now. However, since it does go from 10 to 40 pounds, this is a great unit for anyone who is trying to get in better shape and want to keep a set of equipment without taking up much space. Adjustable Fitness is a company you can trust that has been around for many years, so I would not worry about anything going wrong as you can always contact them and get your situation straightened out if you have problems.
The one review that I found makes a good point. They said that if you want to tone up your muscles, then doing more reps at a lower weight is probably what you are looking for. I agree with this. Because you will not need to do heavy weight, you can purchase this cheaper option and get just as good of a workout than one that comes with more weight and will be able to hit the goals you have set for yourself.
Check out the Adjustable Fitness Bell at Amazon.com
How To Chose The Best Adjustable Kettlebells
What I wrote above is just my opinion on the three adjustable kettlebells that I have gone over. You can decide which one is best for you but while you are looking, I would make sure to look at these few things:
- What kind of warranty does it have?
- How does it come packaged?
- How much weight does it come with?
- What are the weight increments?
- How much size will it take up?
- How long will they last? Are They durable?
When taking a look at the reviews available, the main things I look at are how much it costs, what the increase of weight is, and how much total weight I will be able to get from a single unit.
If you are looking for the cheapest adjustable kettlebell, you might be able to get a great deal. However, think about what you are doing. You may get a great deal, but you might not get a product that is going to last you a long time. I always like to go for a quality product that is going to last me many years so certain times, it is worth it to spend just a little bit more money.
If you plan to stick to a fitness plan for a long time, you are sure to improve, and sometimes improve fast. This is why paying attention to the weight increments on your adjustable kettlebells is going to be important. You want to be able to stick with the same product for as long as possible and if it increases in small increments with a large max weight, you will get the best value for the money.
When I first started lifting, I could barely pick up any weight. 6 months later, I was becoming much stronger and going up in the weight I could lift. You want your product to improve with you! Take it from me, you want a product that has small weight increases but many of them.
I also like to look at what company I am buying from. In the rare occurrence that I do have a problem, I like to be able to reach out to this company and share my concerns. A good company will always set the problem right. This is why I love buying from Amazon because the reviews will be able to give you an idea of what the product you are buying and how well the company handles any problems (if they are mentioned in the reviews).
That being said, the ratings of the product are not always important. I would much rather look that reviews and see what other people have to say. Some people may leave a review that is poor because they did not work out properly and got injured when in reality, this has nothing to do with the weight product. Consider what is being said in each review and make an educated choice.
So with all that in mind, what product would you decide to purchase? For me, I decided to go with the Powerblock Kettle Block for a few reasons. It has excellent reviews, is almost rated 5 stars, has 2 different options to get the most weight possible, has a lifetime warranty, and is produced by Power Block, one of the most respected names in Fitness Equipment.
Wrapping It Up
There are advantages and disadvantages of all of the things I went over in this guide. I think the three products I picked though are extremely high quality and will serve any fitness enthusiast or beginner for years to come. Reviews are important, but your personal goals are even more important.
Take a look at what you want to achieve with fitness and pick out the best value for your money based on those things you want to achieve. Best of luck with your decision, and I hope to hear about what product you went with and how your progress is going!
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