If you are looking for ways to boost your levels of testosterone production, you aren’t alone in the list. Men are increasingly trying to find ways to enhance their testosterone. The result is that they are constantly depending on artificial supplements or sometimes steroids and drugs.
Steroids are synthetic derivatives of the testosterone hormone which is mainly responsible for developing male characteristics. Testosterones are structurally altered in order to create anabolic steroids and their breakdown is reduced thereby maximizing tissue-building effects in the body. It was used initially to cure disorders related to bone mass deterioration, blood and protein wasting states. It also found its use as a replacement theory for those male children who were deficient in testosterone.
The key point here is that all these artificial solutions neither give permanent solutions, nor have any positive impacts. Rather, they might be significantly harmful for your health.
How do you Improve the Testosterone Production?
- Eat The Right Vegetables in the Right Quantities
13C or indole-3-carbinol is an ingredient that rightly helps in the metabolism of estrogen in your body. Certain vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, mustard, cauliflower, bok choy, sprouts, and turnip, are recommended to be taken as these contain 13C in their natural forms.
Including these veggies in your natural diet plan everyday can help to boost your hormones rightly.
Meat Is Important
Meat intake has a direct influence on adding to your muscle mass and testosterone levels(view research here). Particularly, if you are into weightlifting activities, protein is a must for your hormones to get boosted and help in your actions. To boost your testosterone levels, your meat diet needs to include meats of varying kinds – such as red meat, chicken, pork, fish, and others. Two servings of meat are highly recommended.
- Include Some Healthy Fats in Your Diet Too
Healthy fats such as those available in several kinds of nuts, flaxseed oil, avocado, olive oil, and similar other food products, are extremely crucial for enhancing the levels of your testosterone.
When you include such fats in your everyday diet, they add to the right nourishment of your body, regulating the hormones properly, enhancing the functions of your nervous system too. In fact, it is also a myth when you believe that saturated fats are harmful for your health. Rather, saturated fats available in animal products can help in keeping heart risks lower.
What you need to totally avoid is trans-fat, which not only doesn’t have any benefits for your healthy, but also adds to diseases and other health complications.
- Reduce Your Stress As Much As Possible
It’s completely proven through research that when your stress levels are reduced, your testosterone production is higher. When you are stressed, the cortisol hormone in your body tends to reach higher, which in turn affects the production of the testosterone. Also, higher levels of cortisol will make you more hungry, meaning you eat more and lead to belly fat too, all affecting your testosterone generations.
Hence, try to over strain yourself, sweat less, and keep yourself relaxed as much as you can.
- Having Adequate Sleep Is a Must
The lesser sleep you get for your health, the worse it gets for your health, seriously affecting the levels of your testosterone production. It also makes hard to lose weight, since more muscles get lost when you undergo a caloric restriction, which happens when you don’t get enough sleep. 7 to 9 hours of sleep is normally ideal.
- Having Sex More Often
Sex is one of the best activities which adds to your testosterone levels. So, next time when you have sex with your partner, remember it’s not just about your love and passion, but also about some immensely good health benefits too.
Next Steps
To put this to the real test, my suggestion would be to get your testosterone tested and then follow the 6 steps above and measure your testosterone 2 months later and see how it has affected your levels. If you have any questions during the process or don’t understand anything, feel free to reach out to me on social media at Krush Fitness Twitter and Krush Fitness Facebook!
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