You want to know the strongest bike lock that will ensure that your precious cycle will not suffer the fate of theft right? I completely understand. I live in high populated college down and bicycle theft is a real problem.
Imagine for a moment that you just got finished with a hard test and walk outside to get on your cycle to go home and you cannot find it because it has been stolen. Just last year, my town caught a professional who had boosted over 600 bikes and resold them in a nearby state. Because people have become so good at stealing, you are more than likely not going to see your bike again if it gets taken. That is why you should get the best bike lock possible to prevent this from happening in the first place. Remember, it is easier to repair your bike than to replace it!
Bike locks on today’s market are great. They are lighter weight, close to unbreakable and foolproof if used correctly, and very effective. Get a good lock and protect your assets.
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The next time you are walking around town and see a bike rack, if you take a glance you will notice that most of the locks are just cables that both you and I could cut off with a 5 dollar tool if we really wanted to. If these locks are easy to break in for you and I, imagine what a criminal would be able to do?
Below I am going to give you some bike lock reviews of some of the strongest material you can get your hands on. These are the best bike locks on the market and if you purchase one and learn to use it correctly, I can assure you that you stand a better chance against a potential bike thief.
Nearly Unbreakable Bike Locks And What You Should Look For
There are many types of bike locks out there on the market and almost all of them can work if you use them properly. However, there is one characteristic that you must pay the most attention to and that is the material of the lock itself.
Lets take the U Lock for example. There are many models of these and you will see them all over the place. Some are great, and some are absolute trash. The ones that are junk are the ones that can be cut through with any tool from a local hardware store. The ones you should be looking at are the ones made from the proper material.
What is the proper material you may ask. Well, that is going to be hardened steel. A lock made from normal material is easy to break through. If you get your lock in hardened steel, the thief will have a hell of a time breaking through. If you have ever tried to cut through this material, you will know that it is both time consuming, as well as extremely frustrating. Remember, thieves are going to be looking for easy targets. They do not want to waste their time on your bike if they can take others with ease.
So lets get into it, here are some of the strongest bicycle lock reviews.
Cheap Bike Lock That Looks Like Handcuffs – Master Lock Street Cuffs

Bike locks that are cheap are not always a bad thing. This comes into play especially when you take a look at the Master Lock Street Cuffs.
Just look at them. From the picture on the right you can see that these look just like the typical handcuffs that cops carry. The difference here is that they are used to secure your bike. One side attaches to your bike and the other side attaches to the bike post. Simple right?
Since these are sold under 50 dollars most of the time, you can pick up a great deal. They are made from the proper material which is hardened steel and can be fit into your pocket or bag that you carry while you are cycling.
Keep in mind that these are a small lock but are just big enough to use on a fat bike. They weigh in at under 3 pounds so they are lightweight and can be carried by anyone without feeling the extra weight.
The reviews of this product are great. Almost everyone that has used them is happy with their performance and because they are inexpensive, almost anyone can afford them! High quality and nearly unbreakable makes the Master Lock Street Cuffs a steal!
Click here to read more reviews and see the current price
Kryptonite Kryptolok Series 2 U Lock

Nearly unbreakable, high quality, and lightweight? Check, check and check. The Kryptolok by Kryptonite is a great little unit. As you can see from the picture to the right, it does come with a cable which I said is not a good choice. However, the main U Lock is made out of hardened steel which is the material you should be buying your bike locks in because this is the best.
If you click the link below you will notice that this lock is under fifty dollars making it a great value for your money. Not to mention that it has over a thousand reviews from people who have bought it and loved it.
You may not want to be carrying around a bike lock with you wherever you go, but if it only weighed 3.6 pounds, it may not be a big deal. Lucky for you, that is exactly what this weighs. After carrying it around with you for a few weeks, you should not have any issues with its weight.
Because of its design, you should probably keep this out of the rain. However, if it does get in contact with water, I would suggest that you lube up the moving parts to keep your lock working correctly. Some bike lock reviews have said that doing this every once in a while keeps it working like new every time.
With almost 5 stars over at Amazon with over a thousand purchases, the reviews are stellar. You can rest assured this is a great bike lock for your money this year.
Read more reviews and check the price here
Kryptonite Series 4 Disc Orange

Kryptonite has been known in the bike world for producing great inexpensive bike locks and for good reason. They are close to unbreakable and for the price, provide excellent security.
As you can see by the picture, it does come with a tiny little cable, but I would recommend not using that. The main unit is made out of 14mm performance reinforced steel which is damn near impossible to cut. Thieves will think twice about trying to go after your bike if you have this one.
This unit also comes with a design that features a double deadbolt locking mechanism. If any attacker tries to come after your bicycle with a twist attach, they will not have much luck.
However, one of my favorite parts of this lock is that it comes with a sliding dust cover. If you have had a lock in the past, you know that after you use it for a long time, it will become harder and harder to use because dirt and grime gets built up inside the cylinder. With this dust cover, it protects the moving parts from dust and rain.
This is also one of the lightest weight locks we have reviewed. It weighs in at just 1.9 pounds and will barely be felt in your bag the next time you are out.
Since this unit is a small U lock, I would not get this if you are using a fat bike but is perfect for any road bike you may have.
Reviews are some of the best we have seen. Over 30 people left reviews and all of them were 5 stars. Pretty good considering this lock has only been on the market for a while now.
Click here to see some more reviews of the Krytonite Series 4 Disc Orange Lock
Kryptonite 997986 Black Fahgettaboudit U Lock – Secure and Strong

I promise this will be the last Kryptonite that I review. However, I had to include it as it is one of the best bike locks right now. It boasts that it is a bicycle lock that is designed to hold up to thieves in New York. If this is the case, it has a lot to live up to.
And boy does it deliver. This unit is made out of 18mm hardened steel which is almost impossible for bolt cutters to get past. Yep, that means it is basically unbreakable.
The real downside to this lock though is the weight. It comes in at almost five pounds at 4.6 and can be really felt when you are traveling around. However, if security is important to you, this should not be a big deal. After a few rides, this will become natural and you will not even feel the extra weight you are carrying around.
Now that we have the downside out of the way, the reason that this lock shines is because it is over sized, so it can fit onto any bike you need it to, even fat bikes. But more importantly, it has a double deadbolt to make sure once you lock it up, it is not coming off without your key, which it comes with 3. The first key is for use after dark, and the others are extras for when you need them.
Taking a look at this lock, you will see the bike lock reviews are excellent. Over 300 people have purchased and it has almost a 5 star rating on Amazon. One of them even claims it is the best bike lock out there to which I say, I know!
Read more reviews and check the price here
OnGuard Bulldog Mini – Strong Secure Bike

OnGuard is a brand that some of you may never have heard of before. However, do not let that keep you from checking out this strong bike lock that provides excellent security.
This lock features a double bolt locking system which will give you 10 tons of pull strength. Simply put, no one is going to pull this off even if they wanted to unless they have the key to unlock it.
It is made of the proper material which is hardened ultra steel. The steel is 13mm thick and if you try to cut this off, you will spend hours and hours without any results.
When you purchase this, you will get 5 keys that have been laser cut and a very light smaller key for when it is nighttime.
It is very light weight and pretty inexpensive. It weighs in at 2.2 pounds so carrying it around with you should not be a problem. It also retails for less than 50 dollars which is a steal for what you are getting.
If you are riding a larger bike, you should be able to get this around your frame and the post. There is plenty of room but if you have big fatter tires, you should possibly look into a bigger unit.
If you want something that is both lightweight and effective with strong hardened steel, then check out some more reviews of this lock. Most people enjoy it but some people simply wanted something a little more large.
Click here to read more reviews and check the current price
Some Final Words Of Advice
Remember that it is much easier to prevent a thief from stealing your bike than it is to find your bike once it is stolen. Because of this, you should stick to some very simple rules.
The first rule is that when you lock it up, lock it up with other bikes around. If there are other bikes around with lesser locks than the best one you bought, you can almost be sure they will go for easier targets.
The second rule is that if you get a good secure strong lock, they will have a hard time boosting your property. This makes it very hard on the thief and will make sure that they pass up your bike for an easier target.
The third and final rule is to make sure you lock up your bike correctly. Many people simply attach the bike frame to the pole and leave it. This causes a massive problem. They may be able to take your tires!
To get around this, take off one of your tires and put it aside the other. Next you want to take your lock, go through your bike stem and through both tires, and then attach it to the pole. This way, all of your bike is secure and you can make sure that no one is going to steal it!
If you have any bike theft stories, I would love to hear them in the comments below!
Great Advice! Only wish you could provide a pic of the method you described on securing your bike ” take your lock, go through your bike stem and through both tires, and then attach it to the pole”. The visual would be extremely helpful.
Thank you very much!
Lonnie from Albuquerque